East Lane Clifftop-1

East Lane Cliff Top by Margaret Wyllie

An exhibition of new work: words, paintings, prints, photographs and sculptures by artists and writers, depicting the coastline and rivers of Suffolk.

 Friday 20th September to Wednesday 25th September 2014

The Peter Pears Gallery, Aldeburgh, Suffolk IP15 5AQ

Exhibition open daily 10am to 5pm,

Except Wednesday when the gallery will close at 4 pm.

Entrance to the exhibition is free

For close to a year we have, collectively and individually, walked, swam and sailed the Suffolk coast. Our footsteps have traced the shoreline in snow, rain and howling winds; with hot water bottles strapped to our bodies and flasks of tea to fuel us, we have drawn, painted and written the landscape.  We have sat through balmy, sun-filled hours, watched sun and moon rise and set; seen the port lights compete with the stars; followed the paths of container ships and seals; picked up pebbles, shells, wax and corn husks from the shore.  We have told stories, dropped words into the sea and dreamed of what lay beneath the waves.